Tonight I'm going to wallow in the world of plagerism. This is a post that I copied (felony 1) and pasted onto my jump drive (felony 2), and now am going to repost here (felony 3). I don't remember who this guy was, but I love what he had to say. If he stumbles across this (highly unlikely), I'd like to give him a KUDOS for seeing what the average, ignorant, unable to think analytically person does see AND put it into words. We're not as stooopid as they think we are. They just have more money to side-step everything we have to plow through and try to survive. I'll highlight my favorite parts.
I don't think it matters who is in office; All of them are driven by self interest, not by a sense of duty to the people! I don't know who or what to believe anymore. I'm just a blue collar guy. I don't have the time to do an indepth personal research on the issues. I wish I had the time, but wouldn't know where to start if I did! I listen to NPR alot and that is where I get most of my information with which I form an opinion. But how bias is that information? Much of my time is currently spent trying to find employment, not researching issues. A few folks in here seem to think that the lack of education of the general population is part of the problem and we are ignorant and incapable of analitical thinking because of this. I would like to point out that the captains of industry, investors, and our government officials are the most educated people in the world; It doesn't seem to have done them much good! They are the ones that have created this mess we find ourselves in! It's going to be up to the common,ignorant,uneducated majority of the population to do the work and dig our way out of this, just as we always have! Our government, corporations, and investors seem to forget that it was the hard work of the common people that put them in the position of power, wealth and privilige that they currently enjoy. It's time they started giving some back! Instead, investors are pouring money into "emerging" economies, corporations are moving the jobs overseas to take advantage of less oversight and lower wages, and not only is our government allowing this to happen, it passes the financial burden on to the common average citizen in the form of financial bail outs to the investors, banks, and corporations that created this crisis and now turned their backs on us! It seems to me that our government, investors, and corporations are deliberately dismanteling our economy and infrastructure.
While listening to NPR the other night, they were talking about the economic recovery. It was pointed out that there are two seperate economies in the U.S.,the corporate and investor economy, and the worker economy. The corporate/investor economy is looking great! Corporations are recording record profits! The worker economy....ah...not so good; And things aren't projected to be that much better in 2011. Even a common, undereducated, ignorant person incapable of analitical thought, such as myself, understands that in a parasitic/host relationship once you suck the life blood from one host, it's time to find another host and start the whole process over again.
So now you see why I couldn't resist the plagerism part. Technically it wasn't plagerism, I did give him credit and didn't repost it as my own.
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